Today we are submitting the application to become a Community Interest Company. What does this mean? You are going to start seeing a much bigger distinction between Get Hyped and This KiD Can. There will be more classes added at Get Hyped, including those for adults and older teens, whilst This KiD Can will be running community projects on a much larger scale throughout Walton and Frinton, both in and out of schools. Becoming a CIC will enable us to explore other funding sources, and looking back at some of the stuff we have funded ourselves already it’s an incredibly exciting opportunity.
In a few days we will be launching the Street Smart Awards program, with the re-launch of B.A.A.D (Bully Awareness And Defence) and the associated ‘Hands Up Against Bullying’ promotion to follow shortly. With our pilot program of S.E.N Superstars being such a resounding success we are looking forward to moving into more primary schools when the new term begins in September.
© 2023 This KiD Can, Get Hyped Studio, Unit 12, The Triangle, Frinton-On-Sea, Essex CO13 0AU