There can be so much more to primary school PE lessons than netball and football. Things like non-contact martial arts, street dance and parkour style fitness can really shake things up and engage groups of children who previously dreaded the very thought of physical activity!
We are really excited to be launching an incredibly diverse collection of activities that will not only tick all the boxes in terms of the national curriculum but also provide an exciting experience for the students, delivered by incredibly talented young coaches that children will instantly connect with.
Our passion is to help every child to find their ‘thing’ in terms of physical activities and sport, the ‘thing’ that will keep them active right through to adulthood. Therefore the more choices we can present them with from an early age the more chance they will find something they not only love but truly excel at too.
We can work with you to create and deliver an innovative and exciting P.E. syllabus that can change either four weekly, six weekly or twelve weekly including, but not limited too, any of the following activities…
Street dance
Fitness and indoor games
Martial Arts Tricking
Boxing (Boxlite)
Soft Tennis
Self defence
Tag Rugby
► S.E.N Superstars
► PE Lessons
► Street Smart
► Home School PE
Looking for some help to liven up your PE classes? Get in touch and let’s see what we can do together!
© 2023 This KiD Can, Get Hyped Studio, Unit 12, The Triangle, Frinton-On-Sea, Essex CO13 0AU